Friday, May 6, 2016

Focusing only on improving my hair progress

 These two above were my first attempt on hair in a long time. I could tell that I had no clue how to deal with hair.

The pictures above were the ones where I tried my best to only focus on hair. I used these youtube tutorials to learn how to do hair more properly:

My way of improving was to try to do the same thing that the "teacher" was doing. I tried to use my eyes to determine the colors instead of color picker. Usually I used to take the color picker and colorpick the color on the picture I was painting from. Take note that these pictures have a reference. I didn't do them from scratch. In other words, these people are real people. Anyhow, so I tried to do the same thing as them. I took notice of the mistakes I did when I tried to copy their next step on making the picture. I figured out what I should have done after making one of those mistakes (because I can see when they do instead in the video). This helped me alot I think. I tried to ignore everything else and only focusing on improving on the hair. You can clearly see the horrible coloring and bad placed lines/eyes/mouth/ears etc. But that's not an excuse, I'm pretty bad at coloring too.

About the two pictures above. After practicing alot on hair I took notice of how the hair usually is formed and that they have some kind of specular light. I took notice that it's good to start with a dark color and work yourself up to the highlights and lighter colors on the hair. I think this is the key to make sure that there is depth on the hair and show thatthere are alot of hairs on the head. It's hard in my opinion to do that if you start of coloring the hair with a very light color.

The pictures above gave me more confident now on making hair. It's not good yet, but it's a major improvement from when I started. I don't know now if I should keep on focusing on improving the hair or if I should try to improve the skin coloring. I forgot to mention that on the 3 pictures above I also tried to make better skin color. I think skin color is extremly hard. I tried this video to learn how to color skin, but I only learned how to color people with darker skin. I tried to make a lighter skin on the girl above, but somehow I feel that I've failed miserably because her skin looks so ...dead. I don't know what I should do to make it better. I'll see if I'll continue on focusing on the skin color.

This picture above is a speedpainting I did on 30 minutes. It was very hard to do it. I see that I haven't improved in 10 years. This sucks.

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